Angel’s Envy

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  • Angel's Envy Bourbon 750ml
    Sam Liquor Store
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    Vendor: Angel’s Envy
    Angel's Envy Bourbon 750ml
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    Whisky Advocate-Kentucky, USA- ""Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey finished in a port pipe. This is veteran master distiller Lincoln Henderson's newest creation, and it's a beauty. Richly textured, silky, and well-rounded,...
  • Angel's Envy Rye Whiskey 750ml
    Sam Liquor Store
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    Vendor: Angel’s Envy
    Angel's Envy Rye Whiskey 750ml
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    KY, USA- Finished in Caribbean rum casks that result in a reddish amber pour with aromas of sweet butterscotch and toasted notes of vanilla that mingle well with hints of...