Things to Keep in Mind before Having Your First Drink Ever
Having your first drink is an overwhelming and exciting experience. You want to make the most of it without embarrassing yourself. If you haven’t had a drink before, you need to be more careful and vigilant when choosing one. This is important because alcohol affects everyone differently. Many factors determine how quickly alcohol takes effect.
In this article, we are going to list down things that you need to make sure of before having your first drink. We will also briefly discuss how alcohol works in your body.
What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Alcohol
When you drink alcoholic drinks, they don’t go through the digestive system. The alcohol passes through your bloodstream and is transported to all the organs. It affects your brain first and then the rest of the organs. How soon alcohol takes effect depends on the drinker’s body weight, size, gender, and alcohol concentration in your drink. All these factors together determine whether you will get drunk or not.
Moreover, it takes time for alcohol to wear off. Although this is dependent on the concentration of alcohol in your drink and bloodstream, it can easily be detected up to 6 hours post-drinking.
Here are some things you need to be mindful of before your first drink.
Don’t Drink On an Empty Stomach
Alcohol gets absorbed in the bloodstream quickly and kicks in if you haven’t eaten. However, food slows down the absorption and delays effect. Therefore, you must eat something before drinking so you don’t get drunk too quickly.
Choose Your Drink Wisely
All drinks have different concentrations of alcohol. For instance, wine is more concentrated than beer or a small shot of liquor. In any case, the stronger and denser a drink is, the longer it takes to wear off. So, you need to be clear about whether you want to get drunk or not.
Learn to Say No
It’s natural for first-time drinkers to give in to peer pressure even If they’re not comfortable with it. You need to remember that alcohol is a recreation product and drinking it moderately should be the priority.
Take it Slow and Enjoy the Experience
If you’re having your first ever drink, you need to take it slow and enjoy it. Gulping down the entire drink in one go is not going to do you any good and may ruin your experience. Don’t feel pressured by your peers or drink more than you’re comfortable with. Make sure that you do it for yourself.

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