1921 Tequila

  • 1921 Reposado Tequila 750ml
    Sam Liquor Store
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    Vendor: 1921 tequila
    1921 Reposado Tequila 750ml
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    Mexico - This is a double distilled Tequila, handcrafted 100% Blue Agave, limited production. Single barrel aged with Jalisco Highland Estate owned Agave. Honey and caramel overtones with hints of...
  • 1921 Tequila Blanco
    Sam Liquor Store
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    Vendor: 1921 Tequila
    1921 Tequila Blanco
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    Appearance: A brilliant, crystalline color, producing a wave of legs (tears) that glide slowly towards the bottom of the glass. Nose: Sweet, subtle Agave aroma, fresh herbal notes with hints...
  • 1921 Tequila Anejo Tequila 1921 Tequila
    Sam Liquor Store
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    Vendor: 1921 Tequila
    1921 Tequila Anejo
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    Made in limited quantities, this is an elegant añejo aged in American oak casks. A 100% agave tequila made to be sipped slowly in a RIEDEL Tequila glass. It allows...