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  • Barenjager Honey & Bourbon Liqueur
    Sam Liquor Store
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    Vendor: Barenjager
    Barenjager Honey & Bourbon Liqueur
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    The only imported honey bourbon where American heritage meets 18th century Germany, Bärenjäger Honey Bourbon is a delicious blend of premium honey liqueur infused with American bourbon whiskey.
  • Dondante Pox Original
    Sam Liquor Store
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    Vendor: Dondante
    Dondante Pox Original
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  • Passoã Passionfruit Liqueur Limited Edition
    Sam Liquor Store
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    Vendor: Passoã Liqueur
    Passoã Passionfruit Liqueur Limited Edition
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    Created in 1985, Passoã is a key passion fruit-flavored liqueur ingredient for cocktails. Thanks to its iconic black bottle and its red color, the liqueur quickly became successful worldwide. With...
  • Cantera Negra Cafe Coffee Liqueur
    Sam Liquor Store
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    Cantera Negra Cafe Coffee Liqueur
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    Cantera Negra Café is the perfect blend of coffee and our 100% pure blue agave spirit, which is hand-crafted in small batches from our finest agave harvests. The result is...
  • Clément Créole Shrubb Liqueur d'Orange
    Sam Liquor Store
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    Vendor: Rhum Clément
    Clément Créole Shrubb Liqueur d'Orange
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    Créole Shrubb bursts with luscious aromas and flavors reminiscent of Martinique. A staple of Caribbean culture, Créole Shrubb is the “secret ingredient” frequently used by celebrity chefs and creative mixologists...
  • Brucato Amaro Orchards
    Sam Liquor Store
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    Vendor: Brucato Amaro
    Brucato Amaro Orchards
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    California’s orchards stretch from the Central Valley to the Coastal Range. Rolling hills line fertile valleys of apricot, walnut, and almond trees. In the springtime, the orchards turn white with...
  • Brucato Amaro Chaparral
    Sam Liquor Store
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    Vendor: Brucato Amaro
    Brucato Amaro Chaparral
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    California chaparral covers the foothills and mountain slopes along the coast. Characterized by manzanita, sage brush, and scrub oak, the grey-green rugged hills explode with wildflowers in the spring.   Brucato...
  • Poli Distillerie Miele Honey Liqueur
    Sam Liquor Store
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    Poli Distillerie Miele Honey Liqueur
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    The Poli Distillery is a historic artisanal enterprise owned by the Poli Family founded in 1898 in Schiavon, near Bassano del Grappa, in the heart of Veneto, the most renowned...
  • Choya Umeshu Honey Fruit Liqueur
    Sam Liquor Store
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    Vendor: Choya
    Choya Umeshu Honey Fruit Liqueur
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    Pleasant honey flavour balanced with a tart taste of the ume fruit. Umeshu, made by steeping ume fruit in spirit, is one of these ways. Umeshu has been made and...