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Maison Rouge VS

Maison Rouge VS

Maison Rouge

Regular price $26.99 USD
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Maison Rouge VS is an amber cognac with an orange glow. The first impression is floral with hints of rose petals, but slowly the fruit comes forward in full bloom. A light lemony flavor gives way to traces of vanilla, and the finish is spicy with a cinnamon fragrance. One the palate, the pear marries cinnamon and vanilla for a soft, ripe finish.

The Hardy cognac house created Maison Rouge, like their other products, in tribute and remembrance to cognac's history. A barn with red tiles from Roumaziere used to cellar aging Hardy’s cognacs on the way to Saintes, where it is rumored that a mysterious “Paradis” known only to family members harbored very old casks of eaux-de-vie of considerable concentration. To honor these vermilion roofs of famous reputation and after carefully blending, Maison Rouge was created. It reflects the brilliance of this legendary color where tones of fruitiness and ripeness melt together with magical balance.
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